Panique au dancing
An exhibition from les gens d’Uterpan in la Fondation des Artistes – MABA à Nogent-sur-Marne, France
From October 14th, 2021, to March 13th, 2022
Archive of the exhibition > Pdf
Panique au dancing (Panic at the dance hall) stems from the specific topic and context of les gens d’Uterpan’s artist residency (2020-2022) at the Fondation des Artistes - MABA in Nogent-sur-Marne (France), as well as from the shift in the scenic, monstrative, and authorial statuses associated with the exhibition and its oeuvres. In opposition to linear time of history or that circular and repetitive of nature, choreography and theater plays, les gens d’Uterpan here posit a time which originates from the ground and grows vertically. A time that we never lose sight of, that propels us upwards, towards experience and experiment.

The inauguration of the visitor and their role occurs here at the
moment when the role of the author and artist is progressively occupied
or claimed by the curator, the organizer, or the producer. Aware that
from now on we all participate in the practice of art, the exhibition
becomes a « think-see-as-a-whole » which offers a narrative of
shiftings, choreographic stakes, and of now omnipresent manipulations.
By assimilating conscious and unconscious attitudes as well as the
adjustment of active and passive stances as components of the work, Panique au dancing
positions itself at the conclusion of the standardized process of dance
and movement in museums and exhibitions - a process that les gens
d’Uterpan have initiated in 2003 with Home Clubbing and later with the X-Event 2 protocols (2005).
16, rue Charles VII, 94130 Nogent-sur-Marne
tel : + 33 (0)1 48 71 90 07
