Topologie deals with the unities of space, time and action that make up
performance. By creating a stage the size of a geographic area and by
adapting the length of the performance to that of a process in a state
creation, the disassociated unity becomes a part of the public space,
using the daily routine of the city and the social relations that take
place there. The process takes place using immersion within the chosen
social context. All accessible areas of activity are potentially taken
into account by the dancers (stores, public facilities, means of
a given place (point of reference) the Topologie graph is presented,
reproduced on a map of the sector of the city in which the project
takes place. This graph is supplemented with an audio system that emits
the sound score that accompanies the execution of the physical score.
This audio piece is broadcast on the frequency of a free radio that
usually broadcasts in this area.
During several days, the performers start from a predefined point of
departure to follow an individual course in the public space determined
by the Topologie graph.
With every outing, they progressively focus on the organization and
increasingly more accurate execution of their simple acts: gestures,
physical and social behaviors, speeds of their movement, etc. The shape
of the graph is such that they are brought together in certain precise
places and exact moments.
Each course ends with the performers returning to the point of departure.

Photos 1, 2 & 3: March
18th-26th 2011, Besançon, France
Photos: Blaise Adilon
Courtesy : FRAC Franche-Comté

August 3rd-12th
2011, Zurich, Switzerland
Courtesy: les gens d'Uterpan
April 2nd-11th, 2019, city of Copenhagen, Denmark
Close Encounters Vol.2 / Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
Scheduler : Fefva Lilga
January 22th-31st, 2015, city of Paris, France
micadanses/ Faits d’hiver Festival 2015, Paris, France
Specific partners: Regional Cultural Affairs Directorate of
Ile-de-France – support for territorial distribution residency, ADAMI,
Print shop Magenta Color
Scheduler : Christophe Martin
September 22th October 1st 2014, city of Gdansk, Poland
Łaźnia Centre d'art contemporain, Gdansk, Poland
Specific partners: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland in the frames of Outdoor Gallery of Gdansk Art in Public Space, the French Institute of Poland in Warsaw, the French Institute in Paris, Österreichisches Kulturforum in Warsaw
Curator : Aleksandra Ksiezopolska
August 6th-15th 2014, city of Sinop, Turkey
Sinopale - International Sinop Biennial, Turkey
Specific partner: Institut Français of Turkey
Curators : T.Melih
Görgün, Işin Önol
July 17th-26th 2014, city of Tainan, Taiwan
In collaboration with the Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company, Taiwan
Specific partners: Bureau Français de Taipei, Tainan Municipal Cultural Center,
B.B.ART Tainan, Ministry of Culture Republic of China (TAIWAN), Ministry of
Foreign Affairs Republic of China (TAIWAN), National Culture and Arts Foundation
Curators : Wen-chun Lo, Wen-jinn Luo
May 1st-10th 2014, New York City, USA
The Chocolate Factory Theater / DANSE: A French-American Festival of Performance and Ideas organized by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States and the Institut français, New York, USA Specific partners : Ministère de la culture et de la
communication, city of Paris, The Invisible Dog Art
Scheduler : Brian Rogers
October 7th-16th 2013, city of Nanterre, France
Galerie municipale Villa des Tourelles of Nanterre & CAUE92
Specific partners: City of Nanterre, Council of architecture, town
planning and
environment of Hauts-de-Seine (CAUE92), Radio A-Z, National Advanced
Art School Paris-Cergy, Regional Cultural Affairs Office
- Résidence de
diffusion territoriale
Curator : Sandrine Moreau
September 9th-18th 2013, city of Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Galerie municipale Jean-Collet in Vitry-sur-Seine
Specific partners: Council of architecture, town planning and
environment of Val-de-Marne (CAUE94), Public urban development
Authority Orly Rungis - Seine Amont (EPA-ORSA), General Council of
Val-de-Marne, National Advanced Art School Paris-Cergy, Globradio, Ile
de France Regional Cultural Affairs Office
- Résidence de
diffusion territoriale
Curator : Catherine
June 10th-19th 2013, city of Sundbyberg, Sweden
Marabouparkens konsthall
Specific partners: Swedish Art Council, Institut Français, Institut
Français de Suède
Curator : Helena Selder
October 18th-27th 2012, city of Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
LaM, Lille métropole musée d'art moderne, d'art contemporain et d'art
brut, Villeneuve d'Ascq
Specific partners: Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Nord-Pas de
Calais, Adami
Curators : Sophie Lévy, Jeanne Bathilde Lacourt et Marie-Amélie Senot
October 4th-13th 2012, cities of Juvisy-sur-Orge, Morsang-sur-Orge,
Viry-Chatillon, France
Cultural Direction of the city of
Morsang-sur-Orge, Cultural Direction of the city of
Viry-Chatillon & School and contemporary art center Camille Lambert
partners: Communauté d’agglomération Les Portes de l’Essonne,
Espace Jean-Lurçat, Ile de France Regional Cultural Affairs Office
- Résidence de
diffusion territoriale, CAC Brétigny, Radio
Evryone, Maison de Banlieue et de l'Architecture, CAUE 91
Schedulers : François Tourtaud, Alain Douté, Bernard Gaudiche
September 20th-29th 2012, city of Lodz, Poland
- Muzeum Sztuki Lodz
partners: Institut Français de Varsovie, Österreichisches Kulturforum
in Warsaw, Radio Żak, ms cafe, Alliance Française Łódź
Curator : Katarzyna Sloboda
May 18th-26th 2012, city of Paris, France
Mairie du 19ème et du 20ème arrondissements
partners: Ile de France Regional Cultural Affairs Office - Résidence de
diffusion territoriale
Patrons: German delicatessen Der Tante Emma Laden, Audyonisos - Sound
system hire, Rue du casque, Print shop Magenta Color
April 5th-14th 2012, city of Vienna, Austria
artistic-theoretical parcours on societal-choreographical dis/orders,
Tanzquartier Wien
Specific partners: Institut Français de Vienne,
Radio Orange
Curator : Sandra Noeth
August 3rd-12th 2011, city
of Zurich, Switzerland
Tanzhaus Zürich, stromereien 11,
Performance Festival
Specific partners: Radio LoRa, Institut Français,
French Embassy in Bern, ADAMI
Curators : Bettina Holzhausen, Karin Frei et Dorothea Rust
March 18th-26th 2011, city of Besançon, France
FRAC Franche-Comté in
Specific partners: Centre Chorégraphique National of Franche-Comté in
Belfort, Radio Bip Besançon, Radio Campus Besançon
Curator : Silvie Savatta
February 24th-March 7th 2010 in Belfort, France
Creative residency at the Centre Chorégraphique
National de Franche-Comté in Belfort (CCNFCB)
Specific partner: Radio Amitié Belfort
Scheduler : Laurent Vinauger
Performers: Karolina Chromczak, Helena Ganjalyan, Jan Lorys, Kamil
Wawrzuta, Zuzanna Kasprzyk, Aylin Demirhan, Berkhan Erkiliç, Serkan
Cengiz, Yesmin Uzunoz, Wen-jinn Luo, You-yi Lee, Yi-fan Lin, Hui-ting Hsu, Yin-ling Su, Audrey Aubert, Anna Axiotis, Paolo Baccarani, Janusz Adam
Biedrzycki, Simone Blaser, Tove Brundberg, Luis Corvalan Correa,
Thibaud Croisy, Sophie Demeyer, Robin Dingemans, Sebastijan Geč, Elias
Girod, John Hoobyar, Aneta Jankowska, Joanna Jaworska, Deborah Lary, Abigail Levine, In Kyung Lee, Clémentine
Maubon, Céline Maufroid, Jeremy Paon, Urszula Parol, Rebecca Patek, Stève Paulet,
Małgorzata Pianowska, Charles Pietri, Pierre Pietri, Kristopher Pourzal, Charly Totterwitz, Annie Vigier,
Moa Westerlund, Francesca Ziviani, Assi Pakkanen, Anna Lea Ourø, Jonathan Bonnici, Birgitte Lundtoft, Kristoffer Kempker
Sound concept and realization: Nicolas Martz
Conception : Annie Vigier et Franck Apertet