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For 60 minutes a seating arrangement made up of chairs is set up in a public space selected by the choreographers.
The people who have reserved their seats are invited to sit down in the front-facing rows of chairs, which are oriented in the direction of a panorama or specific situation. Passers-by may also join the assembled spectators.

October 2nd 2010, Morsang-sur-Orge, France
Photo: Steeve Beckouet
Courtesy: les gens d'Uterpan

October 4th 2013, Winterthur, Switzerland
Photo: Regina Jäger
Courtesy: Festival Perform Now, 2013


Friday, October 4th and Saturday, October 5th 2013, Winterthur, Switzerland
Festival Perform Now 2013
Specific partner: Cultural Service of the French Embassy in Bern
Curator : Thomas Lang

May 25th-June 17th 2011, Paris, France
Specific partners: Direction des Affaires culturelles de la Ville de
Paris, Mairie du 9ème, Mairie du 10ème, Mairie du 11ème, Mairie du 13ème, Mairie du 18ème, Mairie du 19ème.

Saturday, October 2nd 2010, Morsang-sur-Orge, France
Specific partners: CAC Brétigny, Service Culturel de la Ville de Morsang-sur-Orge
Scheduler : Alain Douté
Curator : Pierre Bal Blanc

Conception : Annie Vigier et Franck Apertet