duplicate > do not create
infiltrate > do not exhibit
exceed > do not belong
appear > do not claim
delegate > do not restrict
Uchronia is a project initiated by the artists Annie Vigier and
Franck Apertet (les gens d’Uterpan) in 2014, which emanates from the
analysis of individual or collective attitudes and behaviors produced
in the public space of a given city. The word uchronia, used among
others by the French philosopher Charles Renouvier in his book Uchronie, l’utopie dans l’histoire (1876), means “non-time,” that is, a time that doesn’t exist.
In response to the increasing transformation of public spaces into
functional areas toward which individuals are guided to fulfill a given
activity, the two artists call upon citizens to become uchronists, to
infiltrate public life with physical modules coming from daily
behaviors, synchronized and adjusted according to context. Contrary to
flash mobs or performances, these actions don’t address spectators.
Passersby are accidentally witnesses, attentive or not, of these
presences and gestures that maintain the formal appearance of normality.
More than a comment on the Uchronia
project, this publication is thought of as a collective uchronia that
infiltrates the book as space of publication, as a public space.
According to the protocol proposed by the artists and by the art
historian Emanuele Quinz, the contributors have freely occupied
different sections of the book (the table of contents, introduction,
chapter, illustrations, notes, appendices, etc.). Each section may be
illustrated several times, or not at all.
Directors: Annie Vigier & Franck Apertet (les gens d'Uterpan) et Emanuele Quinz
Coordination and production: Karin Mihatsch
Design: Marianna Calagna
Sternberg Press
May 2017, English/French
12.5 x 19 cm, 280 pages
ISBN 978-3-95679-265-6
Published with the support by IDEFI-CréaTIC, Université Paris 8
photo: Marianna Calagna